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Latvian literature meets Estonian and Lithuanian literature 

Baltic Readings

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The tradition of reading event of the authors from all the three Baltic countries has become one of the core events of the festival, because we believe in common values and traditions, that continue uniting the Baltic states and their cultures. 

The evening of Baltic literature offers a unique opportunity to meet the best Latvian, Estonian, and Lithuanian authors of this time, and hear them reading their own texts in the original language, while the translation into Latvian and English is also provided.

This festival tradition is kept in close cooperation with the best translators and institutions and organizations in Latvia, Estonia, and Lithuania, making it possible for the literatures of the neighbouring countries to travel and meet in the festival Prose Readings in Riga.   


Tiit Aleksejev (Tīts Aleksejevs), Rasa Aškinytė (Rasa Aškinīte), P.I. Filimonov (P.I.Fiļimonovs), Meelis Friedenthal (Mēliss Frīdentāls), Mehis Heinsaar (Mehiss Heinsārs), Sass Henno (Sass Henno), Andrei Hvostov (Andrejs Hvostovs), Andrei Ivanov (Andrejs Ivanovs), Marius Ivaškevičius, (Marjus Ivaškevičus), Andrius Jakučiūnas (Andrjus Jakučūns), Jaak Jõerüüt (Jāks Jeerīts), Birutė Jonuškaitė (Birute Jonuškaite), Maarja Kangro (Mārja Kangro), Kaur Kender (Kaurs Kenders), Andrus Kivirähk (Andrus Kivirehks), Virginija Kulvinskaitė (Virginija Kulvinskaite), Jurģis Kunčinas (Jurģis Kunčins), Herkus Kunčius (Herkus Kunčus), Vidas Morkūns (Vidas Morkūnas), Mudlum (Mudlum), Daina Opolskaitė (Daina Opolskaite), Ervin Õunapuu (Ervins Eunapū), Sigitas Parulskis (Sigits Paruļskis), Undinė Radzevičiūtė (Undine Radzevičūte), Rein Raud (Reins Rauds), Kaurs Rīsmā (Kaur Riismaa), Kristina Sabaliauskaitė (Kristina Sabaļauskaite), Alvydas Šlepikas (Alvīds Šlepiks), Jurga Tumasonīte (Jurga Tumasonytė), Jaan Undusk (Jāns Undusks), Urmas Vadi (Urmass Vadi), Tomas Vaiseta (Toms Vaiseta), Rein Veidemann (Reins Veidemans).

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